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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Running in Heels - E3&4

Darlings, we got sick a couple weeks back and totally dropped the ball on our Running in Heels blogging. Since there's a new episode on tonight at 8 on the Style Network, let's get up to speed on what happened during the previous two episodes.

There's a photo shoot scheduled -- but the model is late. Everyone is very tense. But wait!

The model shows up! Yay! Pretty pictures are taken.

Despite our flippancy, this is what we like about the show. We're big enough fashion nerds that we'll happily watch a half-hour show about the behind-the-scenes goings-on of a fashion mag.

But they just have to have the intern drama, which gets increasingly obviously manufactured each week. Samantha and her jacked-up hair keep getting primo assignments,

While poor Ashley gets assigned to be the personal wedding-planning slave for Bitch Editrix Paula.

They tried to make Ashley the bitch of the threesome, but they're clearly fucking with her by giving her the worst assignments in order to ramp up the interpersonal drama and potential for backstabbery. We don't blame her for being pissed.

We do, on the other hand, blame her for everything she wears on this show.

So Ashley has to leave the Cynthia Rowley show to run around town picking up and dropping off Editrix's fucking WEDDING RING and, get this, BITCH GIVES HER SHIT FOR MAKING HER STAND AROUND AND WAIT IN THE BRIDAL STORE. We could never work for these people. Our imaginary internships would prematurely end with blood on the floor and flashing red sirens.

Meanwhile, Talita gets to tag along with Joyce here as she interviews Roberto Cavalli for the Designer Dossier page. Ladies and gentlemen, we have found the American Patsy Stone.

She was appropriately grateful for the assignment but she had to go there and start whining that she didn't get to shake his hand. Honey, you're lucky he didn't make you pick up his drycleaning.

And then, just as we're at the height of our, "We could never work with these people" sentiments, a vision comes into view:

In our dreams, we're sitting in our lowly cubicle when Nina Garcia comes up to us, drops a couple tickets on our desk and says "We've been invited to Brazil Fashion Week. We leave tomorrow night."

Seriously, there are a lot of bitches on this show, but with job perks like that, can you blame them for their little power struggles?

So Bitch Editrix gets to leave her brand new husband and head on down to Sao Paulo to scope out the designer showrooms ahead of time and see if she can snag anything that will make Nina love her or something. There's some implied drama that she needs this opportunity to impress Nina but after last week's bridezilla meltdown, we're not feeling the impulse to root for her.

Nina shows up eventually and takes her rightful place in the front row.

Unfortunately, the front row was a soccer stadium away. Damn, is that a wide runway or what? Can't imagine you can see the clothes all that well even if you are in the front row.

Bitch Editrix takes her around to see the fashion sights and ...we don't know, manages to impress her or something. All we know is, this show can only benefit from more Nina. We love to see her really talking about fashion and responding to it.

Meanwhile, back at home base, the slave girls have been rounded up to run the beauty products sample sale in the conference room. At first, we rolled our eyes at all the "Oh, you're going to have NIGHTMARES afterward!" talk, but this time, they weren't just trying to ramp up the drama.

They really did look like they were working their asses off.

Samantha and her ridiculous hair left the event early so she could go meet up with her boyfriend, which, hello? This is the real world calling: YOU'RE FIRED.

Of course, this isn't the real world. It's television.

In non-intern world, Zanna is styling a last-minute shoot of Mandy Moore for the cover. And Lorenzo is seething with jealousy.

He wants nothing more than a job where he gets to play with pretty clothes and help women play dressup for the camera.

And that's definitely where the show is the most fun. For all of the mundane aspects and all of the manufactured drama, there really is something glamorous and fun about the day-to-day activities of a fashion mag.

Although we wouldn't have chosen that look for the cover.


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