Darlings, we've got some catching up to do on this show. We sat out the first episode to see where they were heading with it and it makes for an entertaining half-hour, even if they're spending too much time on what has quickly become a pop-culture cliche: the whiny self-involved girl interning at a fashion magazine.

"Fashion Week was the most amazing experience of my entire life but it was also, like, the hardest work I've ever done. I just hope it gets a little easier."

Still, the show gave us a slight glimpse behind the scenes at Paris fashion week, so it can't be all bad. Eat your heart out, Stylista.

The insane level of packing and planning that goes on behind the scenes is mind-boggling.

And we want nothing so much as a life where what we wear is so important and requires such constant attention, that we have to hire someone to plan and organize our wardrobe for us. That's not asking much, is it?

Still, the show couldn't be all glam, and they had to inject a little reality TV style competition, even though there's no prize involved.

Fine. Whatever. We're not reality TV virgins after all, and we get that putting the participants in situations that guarantee drama and encourage back-stabbing is simply how you move things along in this world.

But we wanted to spend more time with the fabulous Abby as she packed for Paris and sent exhausted, late night updates from her hotel room.

And we wanted to spend more time with Nina, because, y'know...Nina.

We even want to spend more time with Joanna, who's sharp and funny and self-deprecating and a master at playing to the cameras.

In fact, anything having to do with the day to day running of the magazine and the cast of characters who pull it off, is a huge plus for the show. More, please.
Less of this:

"This internship is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be."
Oh my god. Shut up.

Fine, they gave the girls something to do, but it's right out of the Stylista playbook and it couldn't have been any less interesting.

Plus, we just wanted to slap these girls for having such a ridiculously hard time doing the most basic editorial tasks. All that whining and sitting around wondering what the other girls are doing! Jesus.

Not that they're totally at fault. Their instructions were no more than "Go run off and do a page." and the consultations amounted to "Are you doing that page? Okay, keep working on that page."
Now, we're not fashion editors or anything, but it seems to us that in the real world, the instructions would tend to be slightly more specific, call us crazy.
So what happens when you give a really vague assignment to 3 lazy, clueless girls?

You get a pissy editor, which, let's face it, is what it's all about. A chance to give Joanna a time to try on her Miranda Priestley impersonation.

And to show these girls doing that which they were born to do: walk out of an office tearful and dejected.

Seriously, what the fuck is that? Are these girls in 8th grade or something? This isn't scrapbooking, it's magazine publishing, you jackasses.

Thankfully, the show realizes that and makes the "intern drama" only part of the whole show. Any chance to watch Joanna be bitchy and commanding is okay by us.
[Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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