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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daddy knows best: The Fashion Fwd Saudi man!

I couldn't help not 2 blog about my dad, he makes looking good so easy.. and he loves it! 
should i dare say like father like daughter... my mum would probably throw a fit so im gona say i was blessed from both sides ;) 

His winter fashion sense has to be my favorite cause his flair for amazing winter jackets and scarfs is always SPOT on and although he tends to follow trends, he always manages to make it his very own, lets just say that i tend to see him as the Clark Gabel of our time effortless in style, and a true gentleman in spirit.. In Saudi however, his fashion sense takes a turn to the traditional.. and as always its his attention to details that makes me proud :) 

Love u daddy! 

He has an amazing collection of cashmere ghutras or scarfs turned ghutra 
that not only keep ur head warm but add a certain flair to the usually typical colors
like the red and white shumagh or the white Ghutra.

He always tailors his thobs, so basically its his very own designs 
depending on the season the embroidery changes accordingly.

His Vintage Valentino boots is very on trend this winter :)


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