On a sheer river bank, amongst birch, aspen, pine and nature-sculpted boulders, lies Juvet, Europe’s first landscape hotel, conceived of by Knut Slinning.

Located in Burtigard, Gudbrandsjuvet, Norway and constructed by Jensen and Skoven Architects at first glance, the seven detached guest rooms seem modest and unassuming. But when you open the door and go in, it’s as if nature rushes in to greet you through the massive panoramic windows. You can almost feel the trees brushing against you, and the snow-white drops of spray from the river Valldøla on your face.

The Seven Individual Accommodations
Each room is a detached small independent house with one, or sometimes two of the walls constructed in glass. The landscape in which these rooms are placed is by most people considered spectacularly beautiful and varied and the topography allows a layout where no room looks at another. In this way every room gets its own surprising view of a dramatic piece of landscape, always changing with the weather and the time of the day and the season.

The Spa
According to legend, those who drink the water from Olavskjelda (St. Olav’s Spring) will remain healthy and young forever. Thus when enjoying their spa, you are practically bathing in holy water.

In addition to pampering yourself in the spa or relaxing in your secluded accommodations, activities in the area include all types of Winter sports, Hikes, Rafting, Wilderness camp and World heritage site.
Open March through October, the hotel offers peaceful, secluded and inspiring surroundings for both private individuals and companies who want to design their own arrangements – whether it’s a private event, a camp gathering or business meeting.
Client: Knut Slinning
Project Architects: JSA; Jan Olav Jensen, Børre Skodvin, Torunn Golberg Helge Lunder, Torstein Koch; Thomas Knigge
Landscape architect: Jensen & Skodvin
Static consultant: Siv. Ing. Finn Erik Nilsen
Year Planned: 2004 - 2007
Year Built: 2007 - 2009
Area: 800m2
Cost: 1 Million Euro

The Juvet Landscape Hotel cooperates with the following partners:
Valldal Naturopplevingar
Petrines Gjestgiveri
Øvre Valldal Grendalag
Happy End
Norddal kommune
Destinasjon Geiranger-Trollstigen
Destinasjon Ålesund-Sunnmøre
JUVET™ landskapshotell
Alstad, 6210 Valldal
M: +47 9503 2010
most photos and info courtesy of Knut Bry and the Juvet Landscape Hotel, additional photos by Jiri Havran
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