Man, this show is just rocketing along, dropping little bombshells along the way.
♦ Did anyone else shout "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" at their TV when the cute British soldier was revealed to be none other than a young Charles Widmore? Or was that just us? By the way, we think old Charles Widmore is kind of a hot daddy, but young Charles Widmore... Me.Ow.

♦ Similarly, did anyone else gasp when the bitchy British female soldier was called "Ellie" by Richard Alpert? Because Mrs. Hawkings' first name is Eloise and Daniel said she reminded him of someone...DANIEL WAS BEING HELD AT GUNPOINT BY HIS OWN MOTHER FIFTY YEARS IN THE PAST. Our heads hurt.

♦ Does this mean that Charles is Daniel's father? All signs point to "yes." He funded his research for ten years and he was able to whip out Mrs. Hawkings' address for Desmond without even thinking about it. But if he's Daniel's father, that means he basically sent him on a suicide mission when he let him get on that freighter; right? We knew he was a bastard but we didn't know he was THAT much of a bastard.

♦ Little Charlie Hume! How freaking sweet is that? Of course, he has the same first name as his grandfather and with all the time-leaping and mystery parentage in this show, that's led some others online to make some squicky suppositions, but we're not going there.
♦ Oh man, Penny's a goner, isn't she? They're heading to L.A.; Ben's in L.A.; Ben

vowed to kill Charles' daughter...this ain't looking good for Lost's star-crossed lovers. We're not even all that crazy about Penny but we would be deeply upset if these two don't get their happy ending. And speaking of goners...
♦ It's not looking good for Charlotte. Once Daniel admitted his love for her, the writing was on the wall. We hope she makes it. We hated her when she first showed up but we like her more and more with each episode. And speaking of characters we formerly hated but now love...

♦ GO JULIET! The survivors are damn lucky she's still on the island, what with her medical training and intimate knowledge of The Others. How cool was it when she started speaking Latin to the soldiers? And speaking of Juliet...
♦ It's kind of cool how Sawyer and Juliet are now the blond

e, alternate-universe version of Jack and Kate. They're clearly in charge, they're clearly getting a little hot for each other (their glances are getting deeper and more longing with each episode) and one's a doctor and one's a criminal.
♦ Man, Jul

iet's got a history of taking another woman's sloppy seconds, doesn't she?
♦ So is "Jughead" what was buried behind the concrete in the Swan station? If it was, how could the island have survived once Desmond blew it up?
♦ Wait...so, Locke actually sent Richard Alpert to check up on him when he was born? Our heads hurt.
Did we miss anything? Add your own bullet points!
[Photos: ABC.com]
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