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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Auntie Mame is hung!

We're back, darlings!

How was your holiday? Ours was fabulous, but you knew that already. Yes, we know we said we'd post a little over the holidays and we've let you down. Bad T Lo. We probably shouldn't have spent the last week face down in a bowl of rum punch.

But we're tanned, ready, and well-rested now, bitches! Let's start off by announcing the winner of the Jay McCarroll Merry Scarfmas contest. Kittens, this one was tough. Y'all are a bunch of creative, funny bitches and you've made Daddy and Daddy proud with your wit. Unfortunately, there can be only one, so congratulations to ... monosyllabicman!

Like we said, there were a ton of funny, creative entries but this one:

"Clearly it's Donder. You've used the pre-1939 lineup of Santa's Reindeer. See, back before the North Pole Workshop Anti-discrimination act of 1985, glbt elves and reindeer were subject to random termination and harassment based on sexual orientation. Donder fell victim to such discrimination when he was apprehended by the vice squad at a public park. Humiliated by the incident, Santa hired the much-less qualified Donner, hoping no one would notice the subtle name change. Among Santa insiders, Donder became a symbol of that ugly page in history and actively lobbied for glbt workshop protections. Sadly, he didn't live to see his life's work complete, but his memory lives on in gltb elves and reindeer everywhere."

Just tickled our funny bone. We think it's the phrase "glbt elves and reindeer" that really put it over the top. We just can't read that without giggling a little. mono (can we call you mono?), drop us a line so you can claim your prize.

Don't fret, darlings! If you really wanted the scarf, you can always head over to Jay's site and show him a little love by buying one.

Now, we promise we'll get back to regular blogging on Friday. We'll even update the long-neglected Virgins vs. Vixens matchup on the T Lo blog. Honest! Until then, we have another swag giveaway for you lucky bitches.

See this?

It is, of course a copy of Fashion Inside Out: Daniel V's Guide to How Style Happens from Inspiration to Runway and Beyond. There was a lot of "What the hell does HE know?" when this book was first announced, but we have to say it's a gorgeous book with beautiful photographs and interviews with DVF, Nina Garcia, Heidi Klum, and Fern Mallis (way to work those connections, Danny). Also, there's a foreword by St. Tim of the Gunn.

AND! To top it all off, it's signed by Miss Vosovic herself!

Want it? Well put your creative caps on again because this time, we'll give it away to the funniest, most creative or even most heartfelt entry. The theme? My New Year's Fashion Resolution. What do you resolve to do about improving your look this year? For instance, "My New Year's Fashion Resolution is to work more leg warmers, headbands and Daisy Dukes into my day-to-day look. You can't go wrong with the classics!"

Get to it, ladies and Happy New Year! Loveya!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lakshmi Rai

Lakshmi Rai
Lakshmi Rai
Lakshmi Rai
Lakshmi Rai
Lakshmi Rai
Lakshmi Rai (aka Laxmi Rai) was born on May 5, 1981 in Hubli, Karnataka, India. She is model turned actress mostly appears in South Indian films like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam language films. She started her career with Tamil film Karka Kasadara in 2005. Currently she is filming romantic comedy Bollywood movie HHey Gujju where Himesh Reshammiya is performing double roles. Shruti Agrawal is another lead actress in this movie.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Miss World 2008: Ksenia Sukhinova

Ksenia Sukhinova
Ksenia Sukhinova
Ksenia Sukhinova
Ksenia Sukhinova

Ksenia Vladimirovna Sukhinova was born on August 26, 1987 in Nizhnevartovsk, Russia. She is 5ft 10in tall, blond hair with blue eyes Russian beauty queen who won the title of Miss Russia 2007 and Miss World 2008.

Ksenia Sukhinova of Russia was crowned by Miss World 2007, Zhang Zilin of the People's Republic of China.

Ksenia also won the title of Miss World Top Model.

Parvathy Omanakuttan of India became the first runner up while Gabrielle Walcott of Trinidad & Tobago became second runner up.

Also check out our previous posts on Miss World 2005 and Miss World 2006.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Scarfmas!

Darlings, like many of you, our days of late are filled with last minute hall-decking and gay-apparel-donning, so posting between now and the New Year will be light. We could never leave our minions for too long, so don't worry. There will be posting, just not at our normal rate.

As we bite our nails hoping our last Amazon shipment arrives in time and try to decide what we're serving for Christmas dinner and whether or not we have enough paper and ribbon, we just want to take a mo' to say thank you to all y'all for another fabulous year. By way of thanks, we're gonna have another one of them there contests.

When we get swag, especially designer swag, it's usually for the ladies, so the only question is whether to give it to one of our gal pals or have a contest to give it away. When Jay McCarroll sent us one of his scarves this week:

There was a brief power struggle because for once, we both wanted it. But alas, it's very much a woman's scarf so we're passing the fabulous on to you. The pic doesn't do it justice. It's very long and very colorful with a little bit of sparkle in the middle. By the way, you should check out Jay's site. He has got lots of cool new merch.

To win it, all you have to do is...Oh Jesus, we don't know. Do you know how hard it is to come up with contest ideas? If we make it a creative contest, then we're setting ourselves up as judges, and judging is hard, kittens! If we make it random-based, then we feel like we're cheating somehow. Plus, who has time to write a poem or a jingle about a scarf? Although you should feel free to do so in the comments section. That's always fun.

How about this:


Which one of Santa's Reindeer is Gay?

Just tell us which one and why. While it's tempting with names like those, to assume that they all are, let's just go with the assumption that only one of them is. Tell us which one. Best answer wins the scarf. We're leaving Rudolph out. That one's just too easy.

As we said, posting's light this week, but definitely be back here on New Year's Eve when we announce the winner of this contest and then turn right around and offer you MORE swag in our New Year's Contest.

Happy Holidays, Poodles!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Anushka Sharma

Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma was born on 1st May 1988 in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. She is 5ft 9in tall elite model and actress in the Bollywood film industry. Anushka made her Bollywood debut with Yashraj film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, directed by Aditya Chopra where Shahrukh Khan played male lead role.

Before appearing in Bollywood she has done campaigns for Silk & Shine, Whisper and Fiat Palio.

Apart from that she is doing her major in Economics.

Friday, December 19, 2008

In or Out: Debra Messing

Looks like Grace Adler has a new favorite designer.

Here she is at the Avakian Beverly Hills Boutique Celebration in Beverly Hills, California in a Black Halo Ruffle Sleeve Dress.

Love it. The color looks great on her and it fits and flatters her. The hair and makeup are good but the shoes are awful. IN.

And here she is attending the Damages Season 2 Premiere at DGA Theater in New York City in a Black Halo Pleat-Top Dress.

It also looks great on her but the color of the dress is too close to the color of her hair and her her makeup looks way harsh. Still, it's a great dress. IN.

More pics:

[Photos: Getty Images/WireImage/Photo Agency/]

Thursday, December 18, 2008

MegaBitchMegan Tells It All

"I would like to thank the employees of Crunch gym for providing my finale venue of choice. Even though I tripped and fell in front of half the gym when they showed my interview with Robbie, watching myself on the big screen while burning a few calories on the treadmill was a nice way to end my evening…before drinking five glasses of bad white wine with Brett, Joe, and Malina and laughing our asses off over burgers and fries at NYC’s corner Bistro."

On editing:
"Editing. Is a beeyatch. I’m probably one of the least bitchiest people you would ever meet."

On the final shoot:
"Johanna explicitly asked that we not help her with anything."

On the cancer rumors:
"The whole cancer thing. Some bitch just wrote me a comment about how he heard I had cancer and I didn’t."

On fashion:
"Fashion. Is just a freaking job. DEAR GOD."

On the last interview:
"The Last Interview. First of all, I was bored with having a store, I got a great offer from a fabulous girl to buy it, and the last time I checked the goal of starting a business was to sell it. I know nothing about Robbie Myers and I still don’t. She’s no Anna wintour…and thank God because I would vomit on my shoes if someone told me I was going to interview with her for a gig."

On her minion:
"My minion. Oh Dyshaun….how I love thee. It’s really too bad they made you look like such an asshole."

On the insults:
"The Insults. Well, I guess the jig is up. I’m one ugly witch and if I ever forget it I have lots of people to remind me."

Read the entire post on her blog here.


Stylista: Thank GOD it's Over

What a yawner of a finale that was. It seems strange to even use the word "finale," which connotes something more grandiose than this whimper of an ending.

Apparently, Elle is staffed almost entirely by brittle women with bad hair who can't walk in heels. This one had all the charm of a wire hanger.

And boy howdy, were those interviews painful or what? In the real world, none of these people would have gotten the job.

"I didn't know much about ELLE before I got here."

What? How could anyone possibly think that was a smart thing to say?

"What are you looking for in a reporter?"

Aren't you applying for a job as a junior editor?

"I'm not going to be really intense about it. It's an interview."

Oh, Megs. You fucked that one up. You don't walk into an interview acting like it's not a big deal; you walk into an interview like it's the most important event of your life. ESPECIALLY when you're forced to admit that you dropped out of college and got "bored" with your last venture.

Getting rid of one person in the first ten minutes was actually a nice little twist even if we weren't happy with the end result.

Unfortunately, we can't really argue with the outcome. Despite the fact that Megan, in our opinion, would have been the best person for the job, there's no denying that she really crashed and burned during the interview.

And while bringing back eliminated contestants at the end of the game is fairly common in reality TV competitions, bringing someone back hours after their elimination was pretty damn cold.

"I played the game and I'm done now."

So disgusted were we with this show at this point that we actually cheered Megan's refusal to participate. Good for her for not wanting to humiliate herself. We're curious what kind of carrot the producers dangled in front of her to force her back. We're assuming they waved her contract in her face while the word "lawyer" was uttered.

As for the final challenge...

...wait, was there a final challenge? Had we fallen asleep at this point?

Oh, right. Eve on the cover. Well, we only sort of liked Dyshaun's entry. The styling is great but the backdrop looks cheap.

On the other hand, we LOVED Johanna's. Sure, her backdrop wasn't exactly inspired either, but the styling was fantastic. Eve looked gorgeous and she looked so different from her usual self that this kind of cover would definitely catch the eye of any rack-browser.

Magazine rack, you perverts.

The "Inside the Cover" pages....well, we have to say that Dyshaun excelled at that one. Johanna's wasn't bad, but Dyshaun's was better. Still, Johanna's cover was so unexpectedly good that we can't argue with the judges' decision.

Although to be perfectly honest, the judges could have given it to anyone and we would have shrugged our shoulders and said "Whatever." By 9:50 last night, we just wanted it to be OVER.

So, congrats, Johanna. Hope they don't fire you after a year!


EMC2 - Holiday Survival Party


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Home Stretch, Bitches!

Darlings, the bitchery comes to an end tonight as one of these bitches gets rewarded with a low-paying job and enough H&M clothes to choke a college student. Strangely, that doesn't make it feel like the stakes are very high.

So which bitch is it gonna be? You tell us: Gay Bitch, Entitled Bitch or Military Analyst Bitch? In the following previews, a bunch of Elle editors sit around a fake conference room pretending like they haven't already made up their minds.

[ - Video:YouTube/CWTelevision]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stylista: Strike a Pose on a Cadillac

Congrats to Megan for winning the assistant challenge. She's definitely the one to beat for the big prize. For all her week-to-week bitchery (which, admittedly, has been toned down in recent weeks), she's the only one who consistently shows that she knows what she's doing.

Incidentally, did anyone else think the dress was kind of bleh?

Megs rightfully decided that the only thing that was going to make that dress pop was a bod bodacious enough to make any boring dress look good.

Danyelle shoutout!

Y'know, we can't say that we loved Richard Ruiz's line that much...

...but Johanna, honey, you don't go around saying stuff like that right in front of the designer. A far more diplomatic "I don't think that works for what we're doing" would have been a better idea.

Once again, though, Megan smooths things over. Let's face it: she's the only one that actually acts like a junior editor at Elle. If she doesn't win this, the show will be seen as an even bigger joke than it already is.

As for the fashion show, it seemed to go off fairly smoothly.

But we have to say, we don't love the page they came up with. For one, the layout was kind of uninspired.

And that header makes no sense.

Let's look at his Fall 2008 collection, shall we?

[Pictures removed by request of designer]

It's alright. Some decent pieces, but for the most part it's a little boring. We have to say, that Egyptian print looks tacky as hell.
