We're back, darlings!
How was your holiday? Ours was fabulous, but you knew that already. Yes, we know we said we'd post a little over the holidays and we've let you down. Bad T Lo. We probably shouldn't have spent the last week face down in a bowl of rum punch.
But we're tanned, ready, and well-rested now, bitches! Let's start off by announcing the winner of the Jay McCarroll Merry Scarfmas contest. Kittens, this one was tough. Y'all are a bunch of creative, funny bitches and you've made Daddy and Daddy proud with your wit. Unfortunately, there can be only one, so congratulations to ... monosyllabicman!
Like we said, there were a ton of funny, creative entries but this one:
"Clearly it's Donder. You've used the pre-1939 lineup of Santa's Reindeer. See, back before the North Pole Workshop Anti-discrimination act of 1985, glbt elves and reindeer were subject to random termination and harassment based on sexual orientation. Donder fell victim to such discrimination when he was apprehended by the vice squad at a public park. Humiliated by the incident, Santa hired the much-less qualified Donner, hoping no one would notice the subtle name change. Among Santa insiders, Donder became a symbol of that ugly page in history and actively lobbied for glbt workshop protections. Sadly, he didn't live to see his life's work complete, but his memory lives on in gltb elves and reindeer everywhere."
Just tickled our funny bone. We think it's the phrase "glbt elves and reindeer" that really put it over the top. We just can't read that without giggling a little. mono (can we call you mono?), drop us a line so you can claim your prize.
Don't fret, darlings! If you really wanted the scarf, you can always head over to Jay's site and show him a little love by buying one.
Now, we promise we'll get back to regular blogging on Friday. We'll even update the long-neglected Virgins vs. Vixens matchup on the T Lo blog. Honest! Until then, we have another swag giveaway for you lucky bitches.
See this?

It is, of course a copy of Fashion Inside Out: Daniel V's Guide to How Style Happens from Inspiration to Runway and Beyond. There was a lot of "What the hell does HE know?" when this book was first announced, but we have to say it's a gorgeous book with beautiful photographs and interviews with DVF, Nina Garcia, Heidi Klum, and Fern Mallis (way to work those connections, Danny). Also, there's a foreword by St. Tim of the Gunn.
AND! To top it all off, it's signed by Miss Vosovic herself!
Want it? Well put your creative caps on again because this time, we'll give it away to the funniest, most creative or even most heartfelt entry. The theme? My New Year's Fashion Resolution. What do you resolve to do about improving your look this year? For instance, "My New Year's Fashion Resolution is to work more leg warmers, headbands and Daisy Dukes into my day-to-day look. You can't go wrong with the classics!"
Get to it, ladies and Happy New Year! Loveya!
[Photo: danielvosovic.net]